22 Mar 2020 by Joanne Simms

Dear Parents and Students

It is with much sadness that I need to inform you we shall be closing the studio indefinitely until the health crisis subsides and the government allows all non essential services like ours to reopen.

We have been following all government guidelines regarding this virus and regret to advise that the latest government instruction requires all non essential services to close.

With the situation changing daily and everything being so uncertain I can let you know the following now;

1. The studio will re-open at a time when it is safe to do so. This will be based on government advice and the current situation here in Australia. We will post on social media a re-opening date as soon as the government allows us to do so.

2. Fees – Any fees paid for lessons this week and beyond are being held over as a credit for when we re-open.
There will be no fees payable from this week onwards until the studio reopens.

Thank you for your patience and understanding.

Take care, stay safe and I look forward to seeing you all in the not too distant future.

Joanne Simms